Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thought for the day: Socialist in denial

If socialism is not a bad thing, why is it that Democrats won't run proudly on being a socialist? Obama spent years studying and looking up to Marxist leaders, scholars and even befriended them. I mean, forget about socialism, we're talking communism here. But when they stand up on the stage, or are put on the spot (which doesn't happen much for Obama with the present media), they run from the word socialist like they are on fire running for a pool to jump in. Here is what kind of answer we might get from someone like Obama if we had a a special "Liberal Propaganda Decoder"-
"Me? Socialist? Oh no, I just want to take money away from hard working people and re-distribute it to people who don't feel like working today- they can't help themselves because they have black skin".

I think I would have more respect for the Democrat party if they stepped out of denial and took on the name that describes them best: "Socialists who want to be Communists"

So if you are ok with turning over your individuality over to the government, along with half or more of your paycheck when you finally get "that job" you have been waiting for, then vote for Obama. Stalin brought Change. Hitler brought change. Castro brought change. In each of these countries where these leaders ruled, millions died just because they disagreed with their government. Change. Hope?

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