Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Survey: Obama Voters Lack Knowledge of Their Candidate

Like the majority of voters who didn't cast their vote for Barack Obama on election day, I found it difficult to believe such a large number of people could vote for someone with the lack of experience and the philosophies he apparently shared based on his past relationships.

Sure, there are always going to be those Democrats that will vote the party lines no matter who is running. And I realize that there are those on the far left that agree with many of Barack Obama's past Marxist/Socialist philosophies- many of them being anti-semetic and racist (you don't spend twenty-plus years in a church that preaches a Marxist brand of Black Theology with an anti-semetic/anti-white philosophy and not have some agreement).

So I came to believe that the majority of voters who did not fall into the far left wing category must have been ignorant to most of Obama's background due to the media outlets they were watching. The proof to my conclusion was coming across people who actually believed that "Joe the Plumber" was an imaginery friend of John McCain, rather then, a guy who was minding his own business until Barack Obama and his entourage landed in his neighborhood- and asked one of the most sensible questions of the campaign; one that the mainstream media failed to ask Obama.

These same voters who I came across also had little to no knowledge of who and what Bill Ayers, the admitted and unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist, was. These people had heard the name Tony Rezko and Rev. Wright, but I had to remind them that one, Wright, was a racist preacher who preached hateful, anti-American sermons at the Obama's church for the past 20 years and that Rezko was one of Obama's closest friends, fundraiser, and business partner- and is serving prison time.

My theory, that most of these voters got their news from outlets that did more to serve the Obama campaign then to report the facts, may be backed up by a recent Zogby survey. The 12 question survey commissioned by John Ziegler asked Obama voters questions related to Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin. Only 2% of these Obama voters could answer all the questions related to Obama correctly.

The survey essentially shows that the majority of Obama voters were embarrassingly knowledgeable about really important issues related their candidate. In a time in history where there are more news outlets then one could ever keep up with, people still did not get what they were supposed to- the truth. This past election cycle should be a big black mark on the "report card" of journalism.

This is not to say there were not some news outlets, journalists, etc., that did a fantastic job giving equal and in-depth reporting on the two candidates. But unfortunately some of these same journalists and/or news outlets were the ones that were practically "blacklisted" by the majority of the media as well as the Democratic nominees, including Obama and his "henchmen". We even witnessed the Obama campaign threaten to ban local news stations from their campaign after asking "the wrong" questions- kind of like "Joe the Plumber".

Here are a few interesting questions and percentages- very sad, but not surprising...

  • Only 11.6% of Obama voters knew Obama said his policies "would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket."

  • Only 43.9% of Obama voters knew Obama began his political career at the home of "two former members of the Weather Underground".

  • Only 17.4% of Obama voters knew that Obama "won their first election by getting all their opponents kicked off the ballot".

These same voters seem to know a whole lot about Sarah Palin...

  • 86% of Obama voters knew that Palin "wore clothes that their political party reportedly spent $150,000 on".

  • 93.8% of Obama voters knew that Palin "currently has a pregnant teenage daughter".
To show how the media has truly blurred the news and fiction, this next question referred to a quote made by Saturday Night Live's Tina Fey immitating Sarah Palin. This quote about "seeing Russia" from her house was not made by Sarah Palin. But apparently these voters can't tell between reality and fiction- go figure.

86.9% of Obama voters said that Palin said she "could see Russia" from her house.

View Entire Survey Results: http://www.zogby.com/news/wf-dfs.pdf
Also visit: http://howobamagotelected.com

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