Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Will Letterman ever grow a "pair"?

During the past 8 years, a night wouldn't go by without comedian talk show hosts like David Letterman passing off his "George W. jokes". Letterman even had the "Bushism of he Week". Presidents have always been fair game when it comes to comics- until 2009.

So what happened to the president jokes? Since Barack Obama has taken on the highest elected office, there surely isn't a lack of material. Whether it is the teleprompter, or his "uh...ahhh...um..." when he doesn't have his teleprompter, there is plenty of ripe material for the daily comedians to open their shows with. So where's the "beef"?

Not only do these nightly talk shows hosts seem to be avoiding jokes about the new president, they seem to be avoiding the issue, even going on tirades against people who would dare disagree or make their "messiah Obama" look bad.

The Washington Times has takes a look at the new phenomenon of comics avoiding the Obama jokes. Letterman, on his late night talk show, would lambast George W. Bush during his presidency. But when people poked fun at Obama's unusual reliance on his teleprompter at every little gathering, Letterman called it "political nitpicking" and that Obama is "at least out there trying" to deal with the "impossible" challenges. Of course he didn't have a problem "nitpicking" George W. Bush when he was dealing with a post 9/11 world.

And John Stewart, a comedian who fools many twentysomethings into believing he's a journalist, has gone from making Bush jokes to uncomfortable-to-watch rages against anyone who doesn't fall in line with Obama. How dare they make fun of his man!

I don't expect many of these hacks to actually play fair when it comes to their joke telling, but someone like David Letterman, who never had a problem telling his share of Bill Clinton jokes has turned into a real spineless sour puss (whatever that is). So I send this blog post out into the search engines with a question to David "move over for the next guy" Letterman- when are you going to grow a "pair"?

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