Aside from the fact that ousted ex-president Manuel Zelaya was making plans against his own country's constitution to set himself up to be a future dictator, why would the Obama Administration be defending Zelaya, even after a few months ago the U.S. was reporting corruption?
These are the questions we need to be asking our own fascist regime in America. Let's see what other "apples" Obama has fallen off the tre with: Dictator Hugo Chavez, the Castros, and Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Do you see the patter here?
Obama critics warned that he had a past drenched in Marxist teachings- the opposite of our founding fathers idea of power to the people, who give limited power to the government. And today, less then 6 months into his presidency, Barack Obama has done more to hold his hand out to those who take power from people- a bit like himself. Yeah, the apples certainly do not fall far from the tree.
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