I use Bette Midler as an example because of what she said on the CNN Headline News "Joy Behar Show" this week; she is speaking about Glenn Beck: (my commentary will be in red letters)
Midler: I find him terrifying. He's like an old school demagogue and it's really frightening. (Alinsky's Rules for Radicals #5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.)
Midler: If you look around at the rest of the world and what kind of behavior has done in Rwanda where the demagogues got on the radio and fermented all that hate between the Tootsies and the Hutus and the devastation that happened from that. I mean, it's terrifying. (Now she is just being ridiculous- even insane)Joy BEHAR: Well, we have free speech here and everything he says we can say something else.
MIDLER: I don't think hate speech should be so free. I'm not for censorship but I also feel like you are a human being. (This is dangerous territory that Midler is entering. For one, she is absolutely mis-representing Beck by saying he is taking part in hate speech. But in her world, disagreeing with her world view is hate speech; disagreeing with a black president is hate speech. If "hate speech" was illegal, whose to say that one day Bette Midler could be silenced for hate speech for having liberal views- hate speech in the year 2009 has taken on a new definition to liberals: not being in agreement with Barack Obama.)
BEHAR: I mean, but you can't stop people from hate speech because they have the right to say it. It's the First Amendment.
MIDLER: I think the people who are educated to be civil are civil. That's all there is to it. People who are not educated in any way, are just a little on the barbaric side, what can you do? But that's the fault of the education system. (Left wing elitism in its purest form. If you are not "educated" you shouldn't have the right to free speech- you are barbaric. She sounds like Barbara Boxer talking to an African American who doesn't hold left-wing views)
As bothersome as it is to hear an American say that speech should be limited, I am glad that Bette Midler and her views on speech have been exposed. Because let's face it, her views are shared by most of the left, Nancy Pelosi, Jimmy Carter, and gang. They continue to re-define any speech that exposes the left as "hate speech". And in their eyes, if it wasn't for that darn Constitution, they would have the entire radio waves shut down and run by MSNBC.
Because of fascist elitists like Bette Midler, there are political prisoners in Cuba, radio stations being shut down by Chavez, and at one time a wall built dividing Germany. The Midlers of history thought Mussolini was just fine and dandy. But the truth always will reign supreme. And unfortunately, for people like Bette Midler, they will be the last ones to realize they have been propagating a big lie.