Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama speech interrupted- "You lie!"...Flashback: Bush booed by Democrats

The media reaction to two words during Obama's health-care speech last night say more about the state of our media and politics then Obama's actual speech.

During Barack Obama's health-care speech the words "You lie!" were heard. It was the voice of South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson (R). How dare anyone speak while the King is on stage! This isn't George W. Bush anymore, this is the messianic Obama- things are different now- the rules have changed. The rules have indeed changed.

After the speech, the mainstream media spoke about the outburst as "unprecedented", and even compared it outbreaks seen in the British Parliament. You could cut the disgust in their voices with a butter knife.

On Good Morning America Joe Biden said the indident made him "embarrassed for the chamber and a Congress I love."

The media either have a selective memory or are purposely not reporting truthfully. It was only a few years back when George W. Bush was giving the State of the Union address and not just one guy spoke out, but the entire Democrat side of Congress booed the President (VIDEO HERE). The media then didn't write articles about how rude the democrats were, but rather that the Democrats were passionately in disagreement. The rules have changed.

And then there was Harry Reid. Speaking to a group of high schoolers, he spoke about then President Bush by saying, "I think this guy is a loser."

The media never fails to live up to their reputation as being biased, Obama loving, and conservative demonizing. They continue to prove our point each and every day.

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