"...socialism, the other ghost that is probably wandering around this room, that’s the way to save the planet, capitalism is the road to hell....let’s fight against capitalism and make it obey us.”
-Hugo Chavez, 2009 Climate Summit, Copenhagen
The above quote was followed by a standing ovation by the attendees of the 2009 Climate Summit. I don't think I ever thought I would thank Hugo Chavez for anything, but here it goes-
Thanks Hugo Chavez. Thank you for exposing to the Americans, and the world, what this "Climate Summit" is really about. It is no real surprise to us freedom and liberty seeking citizens, for we have known all along that the fascist "global warming" movement is the new anti-capitalism movement hidden in behind the pretty earth painted curtain.
People like Al Gore, Barack Obama, and the rest of the useful idiots would say, "This is just about saving our wonderful planet from exploding into a ball of fire- we care about the children" (gag!). We're supposed to forget about the fact that Al Gore seeks to make billions of dollars from technology that would be required if these global warming treaties get signed (hey, isn't that capitalism?).
The mainstream media doesn't want us to pay attention to the many pro-communism/hammer-and-sickle signs being carried in the streets of Copenhagen- not to mention the anti-capitalism signs. But those people are just protesters right? They don't represent the view of the majority of the summit...right? Enter Hugo Chavez.
Any chance that Al Gore could come back to the U.S. and say, "this isn't about anti-capitalism", was wrecked the moment Chavez stepped on stage. Not only did he have a speech with a pro-Marxist, pro-socialist, anti-capitalism message- he got standing ovations for it!
The crowd even exploded in applause when Chavez referred to "capitalism" as the "silent and terrible ghost in the room".
Of course those aplauding wouldn't be in Copenhagen without capitalism- the businesses providing transportation on airlines, the ever so stylish clothing they wear, the fancy organic cafes they eat at- and don't forget about their hi-tech i-Pods, computers, blackberries so they can Twitter away about the wonderful Marxist utopia that will be coming our way.
I wonder how the audience would have reacted if Chavez would have told them to leave their western, hi-tech, capitalist gadgets at the door to be recycled before they left?
Would these Climate Summit attendees give Chavez standing ovations if he spoke about his friendship with leaders like Iranian Ahmadinejad, who have a practice of executing and torturing gay Iranians, or any Iranian who
might be gay, as well as his terrible record of woman's rights in general? Would they still cheer? Most likely, they would- they have.
The Climate Summit has officially been exposed for what its deep inner motives are. Hugo Chavez helped the attendees to take their "good intentioned" masks off to reveal the real people running this show- Marxists, socialistic, anti-capitalism, anti-free market, climate-change fascists.
Again, thank you Hugo. We couldn't have exposed them without you...well, we kind of already have, but you made it official.