Now I don't want to reverse the wheels and bring up the whole Trinity United Church circus again...BUT...I can't stop thinking about what makes up this guys inner core for the past 20 or so years. Its not like we have this vast timeline work this guy has done. He has spent more time hanging with sketchy people in Chicago then time spent working for our country's best interest. Ok, so he isn't a member of Trinity United Church of Christ at this time. If he had stopped attending 15 years ago or so, one might give some credit to his judgment. But he dropped his membership only after the mass media got wind of the views shared and preached at this congregation. The question in the minds of many is whether or not this had anything to do with his personal beliefs or politics...yeah. Let's look at what's at the core of Trinity United. Taken directly from their
my commentary in parenthesis)
"These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They consist of the following concepts:
- Commitment to God. (after they talk down whitey, Hillary, and America)
- Commitment to the Black Community. (and only the black community)
- Commitment to the Black Family. (not a bad idea here either, but don't ask about marriage counseling- story here )
- Dedication to the Pursuit of Education. (hey, we're on a roll here, positive stuff here- of course education means a steady stream of Maoist and Marxist ideologies with a sprinkle of Black Panther, with a side of Nation of Islam.)
- Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence. (Great idea, if only it didn't just apply to the "Wright" people, see #8)
- Adherence to the Black Work Ethic. (Ok, now they are starting to lose me. What exactly is the difference between "work ethics" and "Black Work Ethic", does this mean if one becomes successful they must turn their earnings over to "the Wright man"?)
- Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect. (Even when cheering on racist remarks in church, mocking white people, jewish people, or Hillary Clinton)
- Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness.” (Class warfare, here we go. Those evil middle class people, we should model ourselves like good old Rev. Wright and his country club mansion- elevator included. Also see communism, socialism, Marxism.)
- Pledge to Make the Fruits of All Developing and Acquired Skills Available to the Black Community.(Unless these skills lead them to success- unless you are a pastor or politician)
- Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions. (Can't argue with this)
- Pledge Allegiance to All Black Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the Black Value System. (The key phrase here is "embrace the Black Value System", forget about successful black leadership that embraces a united multi race value system)
- Personal Commitment to Embracement of the Black Value System. (once again, its all about the "embracement of "black value system")"
This is the "ideological stew" that the man who is one election away from being our commander and chief has been marinating in for the past 20 years. If John McCain, or any other person, Democrats included, had spent 20 years with a group who was their "spiritual mentor" like this, but replace the word "black" with "white", they would not even have made it through a week of campaining. How can Americans even begin to buy into this guy's weak statements when he comes out with them, saying that he does not share these beliefs? Have people's brains become so numb to reality that they can't detect what is, excuse my wording, but b.s. This is not American Idol people. Ladies, this is not America's Top Model, "Male Edition". And for the college kids whose parents are paying your way through your dooby-fused education, just because Obama is half black doesn't mean he can rap. This is the guy who will make decisons like dismantling our defense systems-
he talks about it here (very disturbing indeed). So next time you hear Barack Hussein Obama talk about unity, go back to the list that became part of his "spiritual mentoring" listed above. Is this what the United States needs? Has he really been around people who are really about "uniting" or "dividing". The answers seem pretty clear. Put down the cell phone, i-Pod; log off MySpace, really listen to what Obama is not saying.
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