Saturday, November 15, 2008

Condemned to Repeat the Past?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
-George Santayana, 1905

Never has the above quote been more applicable to our society than today. It is hard to believe that millions upon millions of new voters who came out to support Barack Obama on election day in 2008 were not even alive to witness President Ronald Reagan give the historic 1987 speech at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin, Germany. It was there, at the wall, where he spoke to a divided Germany, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!". (full speech text)

While he was speaking to a crowd in West Berlin, his voice was audible to those gathered on the other side of the Berlin Wall; on the Communist ruled side. Those who were living under Communist rule on the other side of that wall were hungry for freedom; the freedom of expression, freedom to choose one's destination in life. To not settle for less, but to strive for endless opportunities- the idea that working hard could mean achieving greatness. The world had witnessed the decay, both physically and spiritually, caused by Communism and the dictators who carried the "hammer and sickle".

Today, young people at universities across the United States, either did not witness, or remember why the words of President Ronald Reagan rang so true at that time of history. Many professors have given a false face to communism and socialism, even making it seem desirable. Yet those who bathe in the mire of Marxism always become defensive when their true philosophies are exposed. The question to be asked is, if this ideology is such a positive thing, why not proudly campaign on an honest Marxist platform? The truth is, human beings desire to be free, and individual freedom does not work in the mechanics of Marxism/Communism.

So, with that said, history may be repeating itself, only because there are those who are willing to forget, or turn their heads from history. A Russian navy fleet is making its way to the Carribean to hold joint military exercises with Venezuelan forces while Russian President Medvedev plans a trip this month to Cuba and Venezuela.

In a time where America needs a strong, militarily sound, unwavering leader, the majority of voters elected the most unqualified, least experienced man to be Commander in Chief. This makes some wonder if the powerhouses in the world feel like they might have "one up" on the United States starting in late January.

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