Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama now agrees with Bush on Defense?

After years of bashing the Bush Administration for its handling of its use of military and national defense, President-Elect Barack Obama has decided to keep Republican Robert Gates on as Secretary of Defense from the Bush Administration.

This brings up many questions, primarily because of Barack Obama's stance on the Iraq war, and the fact that he has picked Gates, the man who is in charge of the war at this point in time. Obama campaigned on change, and with a large number of "Team Clinton" returning to serve with Obama, as well as a Bush Administration in the top position for national defense, some may ask, where's the change?

Like a deer in headlights, Obama may be doing what anyone with little to no experience in a given position would do; surround yourself with people who have the experience and get on for the ride. But why would Obama decide to keep on Robert Gates in the Secretary of Defense postion?

After being elected into office Barack Obama was probably briefed on some realities of what the United States is dealing with related to national defense. And after learning what is really going on, rather then what the media thinks is going on, he may have come to the realization that the best man is in the position right now- Robert Gates. Obama may have even come to the conclusion, based on being briefed, that the Bush Administration did indeed have legitimate cause for some of the decisions they made in relation to national defense. Playing "Monday morning quarterback" on the campaign trail is a whole lot different then being Commander in Chief.

So the question many conservatives have is this: are his supporters and the Obama-loving media going to give him a free ride on this decision? It was Barack Obama who told us that John McCain was going to be Bush continued. But it appears that the Obama Administration is going to be Clinton/Bush continued...

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