Friday, December 5, 2008

The E.P.A. and their "Fart Tax"

A story that could be in a Saturday Night Live skit, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a fee for farmers who have cows, hogs, due to their flatulence. In other words a "Fart Tax".

In the United States, we recycle our cans, bottles, paper, cardboard boxes; we even recycle items that are recycled. The U.S. is more environmentally friendly then most nations in the world. Barack Obama thinks we should be more like China, but based on their deplorable air pollution, the EPA should have scolded Obama for making such a comment. America is cleaner then it ever has been since the industrial revolution- but the EPA and their "green" obsessed army will never be satisfied until we are passing gas into jars and taking them to "fart depositories".

Here is what the EPA has proposed:

Farms or ranches with 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogswould pay an annual fee:
  • $175 for each dairy cow
  • $87.50 per head of beef cattle
  • $20 for each hog.
Based on the above numbers, a farm with 25 cows, 50 beef cattle and 200 hogs would have to pay $12,750. I grew up in a farming community, and having 25 dairy cows is not considered a large farm. For the farms that have hundreds of cows, cattle, or hogs, jobs will be lost to make up for this cost.

But this is the type of "Change" the Obama Nation have been talking about. When their Mocha Latte cost them a few dollars more at Starbucks the liberal elitists can thank their wonderful EPA and their wonderful "Fart Tax".

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