Saturday, September 13, 2008

Barack Obama and his Willfully Ignorant Supporters

At the start of his campaign, Barack Obama promised that he was a different politician, one who would not sink to personal attacks and dirty politics. Unless you lived in Chicago, you may not have known that in actuality, Barack Obama's political strategies have all been "thug politics", a man who would rather clear the playing field rather then risk defeat and face his opponents.

Barack Obama's political history is chock full of dirty and mean spirited political strategy- you just have to look into his history. This is not about Republicans taking shots at Obama's record, but rather shining the light on the facts. The facts do show that Obama played a very different game of politics then he likes to appear to be. Like Prego spaghetti sauce commercials say, "Its in there!". You just have to pry open the gate the mainstream media has put up. Because if Obama's dreamy followers knew this information when they were deciding what candidate to throw their early support to, they would never have supported a man with Obama's past behavior. In fact, Barack Obama is like a caricature of the "dirty politician" who gives you a check for $100 while his people are taking your wallet out of your back pocket. And then he riles you up to "fight the man" for bringing you down. But why do his faithful followers stay faithful? Are they actually that ignorant? Or do they just log onto Obama's website and take everything his campaign says as fact? I believe most people are willfully ignorant. That is, I believe that Obama's followers invensted so much of themselves early in the campaign without vetting this man, that their pride won't let them step out and say, "I was wrong, I'm not going to throw my country away because of my mistake in judgment".

I am going to pose a little scenario. Knowing the pride that people can take when talking about their political views, I realize there are people, when asked who they are supporting this election, will say they are voting for Obama. These are people who have liberal friends, work with liberals, and know that if they even alluded to voting for McCain, they would be lampooned and/or have their character "crucified" in the midst of their social circle. But deep down, they don't feel good or right about pulling the lever for Obama. These people may even resent Obama for preying on their emotions to lure them in for their vote and now the facts show this man to be the opposite of the "new politician". So when these people who feel failed by their Democratic Party, who feel used by the Obama campaign, but can't bring themselves to admit this to their liberal friends and associates, they will go into that voting booth in November and not vote for Obama, but vote for John McCain.

These are the people that the polls will not, and cannot account for. But they are out there. If you are one of these people, I salute you for standing up for what is right for our country and voting your conscience. God Bless America!

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