Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Strong. Powerful. Respectful. Intelligent. Proven. Determined. Compassionate. Birth. Mother. Wife. Governor.

Out of the 11 words above, there is one word that that truly sets woman apart (and on a pedestal in my opinion) from men. That word is "birth". It comes down to basic biology. Woman, putting medical issues aside, can give birth to a new human life. The absolute miracle of life. Sure, men have something to do with that, but overall, woman have something that no man will ever be able to carry out- pregnancy. Now put aside all the freaks of science that may pop up on the news, naturally speaking, men can not take on the ultimate miracle called birth. And it is this one thing that woman have, and can achieve, only because of their sex, that the so called "modern woman's movement' has spent more time trying to fight against. Let's face it, every single human being on this earth came into this earth via a mother. Talk about an important role, and feminists everywhere mock this role every chance they get.

Groups such as the National Organization of Woman (NOW) has spent more time fighting and celebrating their freedom to kill the life that grows in their womb, then celebrating those who bring life into the world- the mother. Organizations such as NOW have never been more hypocritical and truly anti-womanhood then as of late. Enter Sarah Palin. She represents everything that is a woman. She can, and has, done it all. She has taken on the man's world, and then some. But she also has experienced and lived out what truly separates woman from men. She has given birth. Now this is not to say that woman who cannot become pregnant or use birth control are somehow less of a woman. But liberal woman who are pro-abortion have hijacked the "woman's movement" way too long. I know more woman who strive for what Sarah Palin strives for then the NOW movement. In fact some could argue that groups such as NOW are aiding in the destruction of womanhood. NOW supporters who march in the name of the right to abort babies are celebrating the death of many future woman. How many woman would have been alive today being a service to our society had they not been shredded to their deaths at the hands of abortionists. This is a fact. A fact that NOW won't ever admit.

NOW have failed miserably to fight for the most defensless of all woman- those who are on the other side of the womb wall. That is why NOW is an archaic form of woman's rights. Gov. Sarah Palin doesn't just represent one group of woman, but ALL woman- old, young, and even those awaiting birth into this world. One could even say that her brand of feminism is open to all woman, not just "those with a VIP pass signed by Gloria Steinem".

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