We shouldn't really be surprised about all the hateful and vile comments toward Sarah Palin that are coming out of the mouths of many Democrats and left-wing nuts. These comments are rooted in something pure and simple: hate. These are the same people who have claimed ownership over words such as "love", "awareness", "open minds", and "hate sucks". Where are all the conservative celebrities making hateful comments about Obama and Biden? Where are the Christians interrupting speeches at Universities so that the liberal speaker has to stop the event? They are at home taking care of family, working hard at their jobs, and in their communities bringing people together rather then dividing. The Democrats are not the party of my grandparents' generation. The Democratic Party have been hijacked by the likes of the MoveOns, DailyKos, and Michael Moores of the world. They no longer represent the will of the country and its people, but rather a fringe left that engages in hate.

This is who drives the Democrat leaders...do you want these people influencing the future of your children?
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