The past few weeks the media has been exposed to a new "angry kid on the block"- and they're not yelling hate speech at our country, nor our president. But they are angry, and a bit concerned. They are angry that Barak Obama passes blame to the Bush Administration for this economic crisis, because they know Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are at the root cause of this. And they know that the Democrats stood on party lines to vote against putting regulations on this broken system years ago. They are angry. They know that people like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Barak Obama have done nothing but receive money and votes for being buddies with the ones involved at the root of this crisis. Had the Democrats, including Barak Obama, supported John McCain and the Republicans years ago, we probably wouldn't be talking about economic crisis today. Oh, they are angry. They are concerned that a man who has regularly partnered with, worked for, and are supported by people who proudly and openly hate everything that America stands for. You better believe they are angry at the fact that a man named Barak Obama, who claims to stand for "hope and change" would be put in charge of a board (Annenberg Challenge) with a $50 million grant by an admitted, and unrepentant terrorist named Bill Ayers. This is a man, Ayers, who actually has something in common with the terrorists we are fighting against, Al Quida, in that they both were involved in bombing the Pentagon. So how can we, as Americans, put a lick of faith in a man like Barak Obama, who says he will protect us against terrorism, yet he takes money from, works with, and has support from a terrorist? .
Usually Republicans and/or conservatives stay quiet, turn one cheek and go on with our business. Let's face it, it is rare that you will see an angry mob of Republicans burning an effigy of Bill and Hillary Clinton at the Mall in Washington, D.C. (yeah right!). I was watching one of the mainstream news outlets as they reported Republican anger and excitement as hate and racism. Racist slurs have no place in election rallies. But racists of all types do indeed show up at rallies- its a free country. There are no "racist detectors" or radar that I know of- yet! But the media was not reporting Democrat and liberal rallies as being hateful when they were angry with George W. Bush or Republicans. I lived in Baltimore City, and believe me, I witnessed anti-white racism on a daily basis, as well as political rallies. Was it on the news? Of course not. It clearly is a double standard- as usual.
Why would much of the media report it this way? They clearly are not comfortable with conservatives expressing their opinions in the same way liberals do. It doesn't fit their overall agenda; that being, aiding in the election of Barak Obama. When over 90% of the people who work within the news media support Barak Obama, and Democrats in general, what else should we expect? Oh yeah, I guess we should expect un-biased news reporting without additional descriptive words to elevate the story to something that it really is not. It is a fact that there have been people posing as supporters at rallies acting out in negative ways just to get a story out there in the media. Think about it. Instead of an excited and empowered McCain rally, we have "a rally with angry people yelling hate". Kind of sounds like every other liberal supported rally that happens on every college campus in "Everytown, USA". Go figure.
Why don't they ever describe these people as angry and hateful?

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