Recently we have witnessed Barack Obama and his campaign be on the defensive after John McCain called Obama's tax plan a socialist plan. But when we look at what makes up the man who is Barack Obama, we see a vast array of socialist and communist writers, community leaders, and even mentors, that Obama immersed himself in. In his book Dreams From My Father, Barack wrote, "I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”
Frank Marshall Davis, a communist, and member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was a childhood mentor to Obama. He even writes about him in Dreams From My Father, referring to him repeatedly as "Frank". So it would be natural for a college bound Obama to associate himself with the young socialists and Marxists on campus.
For someone who places their "community organizer" status so high, high enough that they use it as a reason to be President of the free world, we sure don't hear much about the details of the actual "organizing". While journalists were trying to track down a non-existent wrench to throw into Sarah Palin's "wheels", there is so much dirt in Chicago surrounding Barack Obama's "community organizing" days that one would only have to do an internet search or read up on some newspaper archives to find out the facts. But ignorance is bliss in the mainstream media when you are an Obama supporter. We are not hearing much about the details because the majority of the media knows what they will find, and it doesn't further their cause- an Obama presidency.
But it was in Chicago that Obama came in contact with some of the most left-wing political groups in our country. These groups were/are pushing for socialist programs cloaked in "community organizing". Here we find groups such as ACORN, Bill Ayers, and Carl Davidson. ACORN has a dismal record for voter registration fraud.
Bill Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist, and Weather Underground founder (and open Marxist). Ayers served with Obama on the Woods Fund of Chicago as well as the Annenberg Challenge. Bill Ayers also launched Obama's political career with a fundraiser in his own living room. Obama's argument is that he was a child when Ayers took part in these terrorist activities. But that is not the point. The point is that he would associate with someone who is still, in 2001 when they still had worked together, was unrepentant. But the bigger issue is this: Ayers has shown Obama great support, and vice versa. Does Obama share his views? If not, why would you spend that time of time and work with someone that far out? Based on that relation alone, Barack Obama wouldn't pass a security screen for many other high level government jobs. (Makes you wonder doesn't it?)
Carl Davidson is a figure in the Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, which stems from the old Moscow controlled CPUSA. He helped organize the 2002 rally where Barack Obama came out against the Iraq War. Davidson is a member of the New Party, a Marxist political coalition. Obama sought out their endorsment for his Illinois senate seat in 1996- and he got it.
And then we have his church, where he attended for over twenty years. A church that preaches openly, Black Liberation Theology. His "spiritual mentor, as Obama referred to him, was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright preached socialist, Marxist/Maoist, and anti-Jew and anti-white sermons; hate speech. The question here again, why would Obama spend two decades with a man, and church who has such divisive, and racist views? To be baptized in, married in, and raise children in such an environment would tell of a man who agrees with this racist philosophy. It wasn't until the media outlets finally ran the story that Obama finally quit the church. Why now Obama? He obviously had no problem with those views the last two decades; very troubling indeed.
Barack Obama either has really bad judgement of who he surrounds himself with, or, he actually does think the same way as these people and groups. We probably can come to the conclusion that Obama was mentored by, worked with, and befriended these people because he does indeed share their philosophies. Remember that quote from Obama, "I chose my friends carefully"? It appears that he did continue on that path. But when he began running for President of the United States, he knew he would not be able to be elected if he openly campaigned as a Marxist or Socialist. He has learned well from the writings of Marxist activist Saul Alinsky who wrote the "bible for radicals", Rules for Radicals. Even Saul Alinsky's son remarked that "Obama learned his lesson well." One of those lessons was to "rub raw the sores of discontent", as Saul Alinsky put it. In other words, remind the people how angry they should be, even when they are not. Because when they are angry, Barack can be "the One" to come to their rescue (or that's what he tells them). That's what Obama did in Chicago, and that is what Obama is doing today.
So this brings us back to Barack Obama and his campaign acting surprised and offended that McCain and his supporters would insinuate that his policies were dripping with socialism. Where would we get that idea from(sarcasm)? Does Obama, his campaign, and the majority of the media think "We the People" are that dumb? Apparently they do. And it appears that Barack Obama has pulled the wool over the eyes of many. But we live in an age where information travels faster then ever. The media bigwigs don't have control over the world wide web, the bloggers, the e-mails- not yet. But that's another story ("Fairness Doctrine")....
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