In a moment where the truth rose to the top like oil in water- CNN pundint argued and demonized Tea Party goers. CNN correspondent
Susan Roesgen ended her interview saying, "I think you get the general tenor of this. It's anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox."
In a day when there were over 600 Americans protesting not having to pay taxes, but rather protesting our out-of-control government, this hack CNN reporter Susan Roesgen decided to not report the news, but basically acted like a wing of the Obama Administration. Should we really be suprised?
Where was Roesgen when angry American soldier hating protesters where burning American flags, spitting on veterans, or holding up signs comparing our last president to Hitler? Where was CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the leftwing propaganda wing of the DNC when leftwing protesters were smashing, burning, and destroying property?
In what was quite possibly the largest grass roots mass protest across all 50 states, where was the mainstream media, and when they were there, why were they taking such an antagonistic stance against middle America. These Tea Parties represented no political party, no special interest groups, no politicians- in fact, they were representing quite the opposite.
Are they realling listening?Glenn Beck has been the target of the left because he says it like it is- and the more truthful and passionate he is, the higher his ratings get. But if there is anyone on cable news, on any news program, who stresses his anger towards Republicans as much as Demcorats- its Beck. Which brings up the question of whether his critics are even watching his program. And he has been saying these things since Bush was in office. Anyone who watches and listens to Glenn Beck knows that he seeks the truth and holds everyone accountable. This makes people like CNN's Susan Roesgen look even more ridiculous then she already is because it shows she is either not doing her homework and researching this movement, or she is quite obvioulsy being a lousy reporter, forgetting what it means to report the news.
Remember this, the Glenn Becks of the cable news world are not journalists reporter the news- and they set that straight. They are entertainers, commentators who are paid for their opions. But what has actually occurred is this- a show such as Glenn Beck has reported more on the truth of what is going on in our government and in the news then the actual "news reporters". Maybe some of these news journalists should go back to school for a semester and come back when they learn how to be news reporters again.