Now that we have a Democrat in office, who has been making some of the most left-wing, anti-capitalist, and incredibly questionable decisions, I have noticed the anti-Obama stickers popping up. Apparently, those stickers could single you out for an investigation and visit from the Secret Service- no joke.
Oklahoma Police stopped driver Chip Harrison and confiscated an anti-Obama sign from his car because it could be "threat against President Obama". The sign read, "Abort Obama Not the Unborn". He was then called by the Secret Service and told to come home because they were at his home where his wife and 2-year-old were. They wanted to do a "walk thru" to make sure he was not a member of a "hate group". They interviewed him for 30 minutes and then left.
Hopefully this will not be a new trend. We have Democrats who are seeking to abolish free speech for conservative talk radio, and now it looks like expressing your dislike for our new President and his policies could land you a visit from the Secret Service.
For all the people who booed and hissed anyone who compared Obama and his backround connections to Marxist leaders such as Castro, Chavez, etc...I told ya' so!

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