An 18 year old woman goes to an abortion clinic in the Miami area to terminate her 23-week pregnancy. Days later, she is given medication to dilate her cervix, preparing for the planned abortion. The young woman doesn't arrive in time, and she goes into labor- delivering a live baby girl. Say what? Yeah, a live baby girl- not a clump of cells, but a human.
What happens next sounds like something out of a Nazi concentration camp. One of the clinic's owners, who has no medical license, cut the umbilical cord, and then placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out like a piece of trash.
Even the pro-abortion crowd is concerned about this one. National Organization for Woman Broward County president Joanne Sterner said, "It really disturbed me, "I know that there are clinics out there like this. And I hope that we can keep (women) from going to these types of clinics."
Quadruplets born at 23 weeks last year at The Nebraska Medical Center survived.
A baby born at just 21 weeks and weighing in at 10 ounces celebrated her 2nd birthday in October 2008. She is a healthy and happy little girl.
An autopsy determined Williams' baby - she named her Shanice - had filled her lungs with air, meaning she had been born alive, according to the Department of Health. The cause of death was listed as extreme prematurity.
I've got news for Joanne Sterner and the rest of N.O.W.- this was a living baby when it was inside her mother. If killing this baby on the outside of her womb is disturbing to you, then why isn't it disturbing to you that this baby was doomed to die before this prodedure?
A living baby is a living baby- inside mom, or outside mom. May God use this, and the millions of other babies who die every day to open some eyes and hearts...
Story HERE

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