Letterman's ego was blowing up right in front of his television audience- he had the President on his show- all to himself! And Barack Obama- you know it. The media, already treating Obama like rock stars, just couldn't get enough. If it were up to them, Obama would be the guest on every talk show, every night.
That was then. But today, both men have had a bit of a deflation of the ego.
First it was Letterman. Thursday night, in a hard to watch intro, admitted to having affairs with his staff over the years. The disgusting part is that he treated the whole topic like a typical bad-joke filled monologue. The audience probably didn't know if they were watching bad taste humor, or a late night icon disintegrating in front of millions of television viewers. Weird.
And then Friday hits- the big day. The media isn't covering the Olympic 2016 host announcement as a "who will win" story, but rather, they were just waiting for the Chicago party to start.
In their eyes, no one would turn down Barack Obama. They didn't care that half of Chicago didn't want the Olympics to be hosted there- even if it wasn't a "left/right" issue. They didn't care that Obama pushing for the Olympics in Chicago was a big payoff to the corrupt circle of Chicago thugs that lined his campaign pockets. They just wanted to see the Obamas, Oprah, and Mayor Daley dancing in a "snowstorm of confetti" while the school children sing, "Barack Hussein Obama, mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmm. Barack Hussein Obama!"
When it was announced that Chicago was out in the first round there was a gasp. Words like "shocking" were used. Journalists could be heard puking in the background. Counselors were being called in to deal with the mass realization that maybe Obama isn't really "the Messiah". Their entire news cycle that they planned for the next week was shot.
But something else happened. Another man's ego was deflated. First it was Letterman's, and now it was Barack Obama's. A couple of weeks can make such a difference.
So tonight, Letterman and Obama share the spotlight again. This time, they don't seem so "hip and cool", but rather awkward and deflated. Sometimes egos can get so big that there isn't anywhere else they have to go but back down. And that's not a bad thing.
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