Michael Moore, Al Gore, the Clintons, George Soros...you know the names. They fly their private jets around the world, have bank accounts with millions, and even billions. They tell us that we need to learn to live with less, turn off the air conditioning, drive cars that look like clown cars.
They tell us that "capitalism is evil" yet play the stock market, filling their pockets with more green then most of us will see in a lifetime (and I'm not talking Al Gore green).
"In a film that will forever change how we see America and its leaders, filmmakers Nicholas Tucker and Lucas Abel take us on an unforgettable journey through a political landscape filled with hypocrites and humbugs. Along the way, they reveal a disturbing national truth: that the two-faced mantra “do as I say, not as I do” has become the unwritten golden rule of some of our most prominent liberal leaders." (http://www.doasisaymovie.com/film.php)Check out the trailer and spread the word- see the movie, buy a copy, and pass it on!
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