There was a time when the NAACP represented people of color- but now they just seems like they are becoming another race supremacist group. This story isn't new, but it could certainly be another step in the downfall for an organization that once held respect by people of all races.
There is a possibility that the Baltimore City mayor, Sheila Dixon, may be removed from office if she is convicted of a recent crime. That's another story in itself. Maryland NAACP leaders have expressed worry that the newly appointed mayor may not be black...and if they happen to be white they won't be able to represent the city properly.
Marvin L. Cheatham, president of the Baltimore NAACP Chapter, said, "Our concern is who would the governor appoint? Here you have a predominantly African-American city. What if the governor appointed somebody white? ... Would he appoint someone Irish to be the mayor?"
By his standards Barack Obama shouldn't be president. But obviously most of America doesn't make their decisions based on race. I've got news for Mr. Cheatham- Sheila Dixon doesn't seem to be working for your city. Is that because she is black? Of course not, she is a corrupt politician like most of the people running Baltimore, and Maryland for that matter...and the United States.
Groups like the NAACP seem to do nothing more then divide people. The NAACP consistently leaves a trail of race baters, and quite honestly bigots- yeah, bigots come on all colors Mr. Cheatham. It sounds like you need to look in the mirror and listen to the words of a man who truly wanted to bring people of ALL colors together...his name was Martin Luther King, Jr.
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