SEIU, Andy Stern, President Obama, the White House. What do these three things have in common? They seem to be in the same place at the same time- a lot. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) president Andy Stern has visited the White House at least 22 times in less the a year. That is one of the few promises Barack Obama has kept- that SEIU would be "sitting at the table" with him.
SEIU has been known to send out their "thugs" to do the dirty work of the left. When the town hall meetings were happening across the nation, government run health-care was not very popular. That's when SEIU came into action. Purple shirt-wearing (SEIU) thugs would use everything including violence to try and silence dissent.
The violence and intimidation became public when Kenneth Gladney was peacefully displaying some "Don't Tread on Me" flags he was selling. Gladney, who is black, was approached by a SEIU member who then called him a "son of a n##ger". The SEIU member, who was also black, knocked the flags out of his hands and punched him in the face. Other SEIU members followed.
The White House would ignore events like this, yet the same day this event took place labor unions had released a memo on ways to counter the town hall protestors who were against government health-care. Also, that same day, a White House official told reporters, "If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard".
There is corruption in the walls of SEIU. And considering what is at stake- both in policy and financially- they will do anything it takes to silence dissent. California state worker Ken Hamidi spoke up at an SEIU meeting. He ended up in a hospital bed.
"We had every right to be here, very simple; it wasn't anything private or anything exclusive," said Hamidi.
"Three, four people jumped at me, wrestled with me, then did all that," said Hamidi. "I was covered in blood and then over to the emergency room."
"This is a union hall that is leased and is being furnished and equipped and everything with our money" .
Hamidi had come to the meeting to expose how SEIU union leaders are spending tens of thousands of dollars on a political race. After he and a photographer entered the meeting, they were quickly disposed of.
Andy Stern, SEIU, billions of dollars, and Barrack Obama smell like a combination of corruption. But if you get too close, even at a local level, be warned- a real "angry mob" will be waiting.
1 comment:
Breaking: ATR and AWF Call for the Investigation of SEIU President Andy Stern
Americans for Tax Reform and the Alliance for Worker Freedom call for a the U.S. Attorney to investigate whether Andy Stern, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), has engaged in illegal lobbying activities.
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