Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fort Hood Terrorist on Presidential Task Force!

Imagine if this story had broke during the Bush years: Right-wing extremist Army doctor goes on a rampage; and then it comes out that he was on a Presidential Task force; along with many warning signs that were never followed up. It would be front-page news every day. The conservative movement would be put on trial, along with the president. There would be a special "truth comission", and we would see live footage of the trials every day. But- we live in an "Obama world"- and the zombies are roaming free.

Instead, who is the target of the media? Sarah Palin. She's doesn't even hold office. She can't raise your taxes, take away your rights, or legislate. But, she's a conservative woman (almost as scary to liberals as actual terrorists). There actually has been more investigative "journalism" and flat out anger expressed at Palin then 9/11 terrorists. If it wasn't so pathetic, I would laugh.

So while MSNBC, Newsweek, and the AP try their very best to pass off their bottom of the barrel news as journalism, there are real stories with real consequences. Fort Hood terrorist Nidal Hasan is one of them.

Nidal Hasan, you know that guy who murdered 13 people after praising "Allah", served on a Presidential Transition task force. He also helped set national security priorities. But this isn't newsworthy- and doesn't fit the agenda of the mainstream media. They continue to protect their "boy wonder", Obama, and continue to pretend that Islamic extremism doesn't exist in this country. They wouldn't want to pre-judge the situation, would they? Of course Sarah Palin is raw meat to their blood-thirsty newsrooms.

American Thinker has a great piece on this story and how political correctness is at the heart of the problem- and very deadly. So, until the dreck that is trying to be passed off as journalism gets tossed out with the trash, Americans have to work a little harder at getting to the truth.

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