The American media laughed off Glenn Beck when he uncovered the left-wing radicals, and even communists, who were appointed by Barack Obama.
First it was self avowed communist Van Jones- they looked the other way. Van Jones resigned- at 12 am Sunday morning.
Then it was the Mao-loving Anita Jones- they looked the other way. The video was aired, and Anita was replaced.
There was the warning signs about ACORN during the 2008 elections. Fraud, fraud, and more fraud. Then there was the videos- the media tried to ignore them. Then there was another video. And another video...and another...and another...the media puts the investigative videographers "on trial". Ironically, it was these young people who were doing the job the media haven't been doing. Instead, they are researching Sarah Palin's book. And Sarah Palin isn't using public tax money by the billions.
And there is still another recent situation- the Fort Hood terrorist. With all the obvious facts available, the media won't even use the word "terrorist" or the phrase "Islamic extremist" in any of the reporting of the story. In the end- the Fort Hood killer was an "Islamic extremist", a terrorist.
Oh wait, its not over yet! The issue of all issues that the political landscape has been tainted with- "Global Warming". Al Gore and his loyal cult followers, including most of the media, declared that the "debate is over". Red flags should go up when politicians with billions of dollars to be made off of an issue say that the debate is over.
They almost got away with it. But, some hackers finally did the world a service by hacking into the computer systems of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) who are at the forefront of the "global warming" science research. Thousands of e-mails were retrieved and revealed that "global warming" might be "global shamming". A big wrench was thrown into the "spokes" of the "global warming" debate- and yes, there is still a debate.
Now, the media don't know how to deal with this. They have been part of the "pro-global warming choir". Now they look like hacks themselves- for not asking questions. That is all We the People ask of our journalists and news gatherers- to ask honest questions. Because when we stop asking questions, we stop getting honest answers.
So, in the end, the "global warming deniers" are looking a lot more like "common sensers". Sometimes the answers are right in front of our faces. But it takes a little bit of common sense, questioning, and boldness, to get honest answers.
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