Sunday, January 4, 2009

Global Warning- It's so 2008!

There was a time in history when people believed that the earth was flat. While the idea seems silly to us today, it wasn't some sort of far fetched idea. Without the ability to fly above the earth, or beam back images from a satellite in orbit around the earth, there was no way to view our planet far removed from it. So the people of the "flat earth" era where not living in denial or a far-fetched fantasy world; based on what they could observe with their own eyes.

The past few years Al Gore and his army of "global warming" evangelists have kicked common sense, and even science aside in favor for fear mongering and propoganda in the name of the "Green Movement".

With thousands of scientists signing petitions to argue that there is no factual basis for "man-made global warming", the mainstream media, left-wing celebrities, and even the Nobel Peace Prize have jumped on Al Gore's bandwagon. There is even an entire industry in making money of of "global warming guilt". If you can afford it, pay off your involvement in global warming by purchasing "credits" that were supposed to "offset" your destructive behavior- yeah right.

By the beginning of 2008, if you did not believe in man-made global warming, you were called a "denier", compared to a Nazi Holocaust denier! Put aside the fact that we were having falling temperatures, record snow falls, and an ever growing polar bear population, the "greenies" would guilt you into submission, embaress you in front of your co-workers, and turn their noses up to those people who drove SUVs.

Now, with 2009 in motion, the facts cannot be hidden away any longer. People who gave in to Al Gore's movie "Inconvenient Truth", are realizing it was more of a sci-fi film then a documentry. Many of the old believers of man-mad global warming are beginning to feel embaressed. Old predictions, such as 2008 was going to be the hottest year of the century, have not just been proven to be false, but quite the opposite.

The temperature is falling. In fact, 2008 brought more snow to the northern hemisphere then any year since 1966. Not only that, but polar ice was 500,000 sq. km larger then it was last year at this time. And Antarctic ice reached its highest rate since satellites began measuring in 1979.

So we can take the sattellites away, put the measuring devices away, and common sense should tell us that the world is not going to a "global warming hell". The earth's climate changes over time, whether we buy carbon offset credits, drive electric cars, or stop eating beef because they fart too much. This planet is a bit bigger then us little humans.

Like the people who thought the world was flat, will they teach students of the future of the time when there were humans who thought the world was going to burn up in a firey death because of man-made global warming? Probably not. But those "flat earth" believers actually had an excuse for their belief. Based on what they perceived, the earth seemed flat. But today, to believe the earth is warming, when we can walk outside and see the snow fall, the ice grow, and the temperature fall, is to believe the earth is flat in 2008.

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