Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hamas and their human shields...

Hamas uses school to launch attacks...
As the liberal media elite reports at the "savagery" of the Israeli attacks on Hamas in Gaza, there is the real story to be told. Hamas, and groups like them, will kill their own children, using their deaths as propaganda for the world news agencies to eat up like hungry wolves.

The news of the day in Gaza is that a United Nations school was bombed. Images and video of screaming and crying Palestinians, carrying off the bodies of the dead, fill the tv screen, attempting to pull the strings of the naive. While anti-Israel, left wing special interest groups scold the Israeli military, they fail to ask an important question: Why would Hamas store weapons, plan attacks, and launch attacks from a school with innocent people?

Imagine this; the United States Army sets up shop in downtown Buffalo, NY. The Army begins launching a rocket here, a rocket there into Canada. Canada calls for cease fire, warns the U.S. that if they don't stop they will retalliate. This goes on for months, and years with no change. Finally, Canada has enough, and rightly so, they defend themselves.

In the meantime, the Army takes over a school to store its weapons, plan its next attack, and launch attacks. Who in their right minds, would beleive the Army was acting in interest of the U.S. people? Or would the news report that the Army was using the school as a human shield so that it could propagandize the innoncent deaths that occur when Canada defends itself?

This scenario sounds outragious, and it is. But this is exactly what Hamas is doing in Gaza. Until the Muslim community dennounces the actions of groups like Hamas, holding them responsible for putting their own people's lives at risk, this cycle will never cease.

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