1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.Apparently there are a lot of gullible, ignorant, and stupid people in America. The election results back in November reflected mostly ignorance and gullibility. But anyone else left on the "Obama Bus" that is driving off the cliff called reason is simply stupid. I wish I could find another word that was more poetic, maybe even more "friendly", but sometimes tough times needs tough love.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000)
I chose the definitions above because they are simple and to the point. I apologize for those who do not apply to this definition, but stay with me on this, maybe you can point someone you know, maybe even someone you love to this blog. To borrow a line from the our President, there is hope (Its sad that I can't use the word hope without being reminded of "Obama/Biden" campaign bumper stickers).
Does Obama believe that the all Americans are slow to learn, or lack intelligence, or even are dazed because of his presence? People are camping out to be in his presence!? Its actually easier to get tickets to the latest Dead shows then it is to an Obama town-hall meeting these days (is there a connection there?). As he sat next to Jay Leno, a comedian with a late night entertainment talk show, did Barack Obama believe that everyone in America was watching and thinking, "Now I am relieved. Seeing Barack laughing in Hollywood reminds us how much he really cares about us and how he will fix my life. And he and his teleprompter are going to go get those evil AIG demons!". Yeah.
The sad thing is, there were tears- oh yes, there were tears. Butterflies of delight, teenage-like gawking, and many thrills running up many legs (of all shapes and sizes)- they were there. Then there are those, many in the mainstream media, who still get gas pains from their excitement when they are in the same zip-code as Barack Obama.
Are these people stupid? Some of them may be intelligent when it comes to their ability to recite facts and figures among their collegiate social circles. But being stupid doesn't always have anything to do with education levels. Let's examine the above definitions of the word stupid, and see how they compare to what is happening to so many people in the United States.
1. Slow to learn or understand- with all the hard evidence, video footage of speeches, published essays, etc, of Obama sounding like the poster boy modern Marxism, it is a wonder how people can't see what is happening before our very eyes. Some are coming to their senses, but others are still basking in the pool of "Obama's Kool-Aid". Even with the writing on the wall, and in the 1,000 plus porkulus bill, they still don't get it; slow to understand indeed.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes- many people who voted for Obama in the first place were individuals who had a long history of making poor decision and careless mistakes. "I know I don't make more then $25,000 a year, but I deserve to own a $500,000 house...that's what Barney Frank said...". No more needs to be said here.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless- now don't confuse this item line with educational background. Some of the smartest people didn't attend college. In fact, having a college degree, or fancy masters degree doesn't give you a "get out of jail" card when it comes to being foolish or careless- congress has proven this point. But so many people who are still taking up sides with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank, etc, are foolish. Voters who continue to follow leaders who would support and sign a bill like the recent "stimulus" bill (and budget), are as foolish and careless as the ones who created it.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied- looking at Obama fans who camp out for his town hall meetings, I see people who look like zombies following zombies. These dazed voters the become stunned when they realize that Obama's plan isn't working, nor helps them. These people then become stupefied when they discover that they were used and exploited by Obama and the Democratic Party to gain endless power at their expense.
Do you find yourself fitting into one of these defintions? Do you know someone that fits into this category? There are those who are humble; people that puts a stake in the heart of the vampire named denial after realizing their vote had been exploited by the powers that be. These people have a chance. But sadly, there are those who will be bitten by the vampire, the Democrats, and be a slave to their programs, and will always work for the government, rather the expecting the government to work for them.
Break the cycle of stupidity people- like Obama's telemprompter said, "Yes We Can...Come to our senses!"
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