Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pot-heads and hippies dissed by Obama

Will they burn their tie-died shirts?

Pot-heads, or the p.c. title- hemp users(?), are feeling used, exploited, even confused after the comments made by Barack Obama this week. At his online town hall meeting where "YouTubers" could ask questions, the question every wannabe hippy, Deadhead, and college burnout has been waiting for- whether legalizing marijuana would help pull America out of the recession.

The president jokingly said: "I don't know what this says about the online audience."

In a serious response, he said he didn't think that was a good economic policy.(WASHINGTON (AP))

Now I can't say that I disagree with Obama's answer here. In fact, I'm a bit suprised by his anwer here because if there was ever a time when someone could argue good reasoning for legalizing marijuana, this could be the time.

From my own personal experience (and I do mean personal- cough, cough), I believe that in the end, legalizing pot would not be positive for our society. We have enough lazy video game playing, MySpacing, YouTubing citizens already, we don't need a drug to help them along. But that's another argument for another blog.

I am suprised that the Obama Administration has not used the economy as a vehicle for legalization of pot. Go to any leftwing protest, festival, event, ect, and you will see that pot legalization is at the top of their list. They usually use the term, "de-criminalization".

Put the negative effects of pot aside, and you have a major cash crop that can be grown anywhere- literally.
They could argue that many new jobs and business would be created by legalizing pot (pot cafes, restraunts...bakeries, bars). And oh, how they could tax this crop- and the hippies would line up proudly to pay their tax!

But here is the real story- how are all the kool-aid drinking Obama-bots going to react to his sarcastic reaction, "I don't know what this says about the online audience". He thinks you all are a bunch of flakey dope heads! All those pot-fueled concerts featuring potsmokers everywhere. The Grateful Dead actually had a reunion to raise money for Obama's campaign for crying out loud! Millions upon millions of dollars were raised for Barack Obama by pro-pot smoking voters and groups who hoped he would legalize marijuana. And with a sarcastic laugh and answer- he gives the potheads their answer.

Hippies have a knack for getting sucked into cults and groups lead by power hungry guys who have a "messiah complex". Potheads everywhere- do you feel used?

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